Publications & Code

Here are the publications for which I’ve developed open-source code. For a full list of publications, see my CV or Google Scholar profile.

Publication Code
Thomas, T. B., & Catling, D.C. 2024 Three-stage Formation of Cap Carbonates after Marinoan Snowball Glaciations Consistent with Depositional Timescales and Geochemistry. Nature Communications, arXiv. GOOSE: GitHub, Zenodo.
Thomas, T. B., Hu, R., & Lo, D. Y. 2023. Constraints on the Size and Composition of the Ancient Martian Atmosphere from Coupled CO2-N2-Ar Isotopic Evolution Models. Planetary Science Journal, arXiv. CANARY: GitHub, Zenodo.
Hu, R., & Thomas, T.B. 2022. A Nitrogen-Rich Atmosphere on Ancient Mars Consistent with Isotopic Evolution Models. Nature Geoscience, arXiv. PIGEON: GitHub, Zenodo.