Art & Science

Art and science are often separated in the world and in peoples’ minds. I don’t see this distinction so strongly, and I am passionate about creating, exploring, and sharing areas where art and science intersect. After all, there’s a reason many universities group humanities and science majors into the same college.

Crystal Bouquet

[View in fullscreen] Crystal bouquet was created entirely using JavaScript and the p5.js library. Each flower’s form, color, and movement is randomly generated endlessly. The code for this animation is running in your browser right now.


I designed and taught a class called Generative Design: Making Art with Code at the Coyote Central youth arts organization. The class was 20 hours long, taught over 5 days, with 8 students aged 10-15 and no prior coding experience. It is remarkable how much they learned and what they were able to accomplish with their final projects (see video).

Publication Posters

First poster coming September 2024

There is tendency in academia to overexplain and overcomplicate things. This is understandable given the amount of time and energy it takes to do research, and the fear of omitting something important or being flat out wrong. However, this tendency is a massive barrier for public engagement with science. With this project, I want to go in the complete opposite direction.

Whenever I publish a new academic paper, I commission an artist to make a poster advertising it. The goal is not to provide a graphic summary of the findings or a complete description of the methods - check out the paper itself if you want that. The goal is to make some cool art to go along with the science and get people interested.